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Returns overview
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Written by Customer Success
Updated over 4 years ago

The return overview in the Service Module shows all returns. By default, the overview opens for active returns that require your action.

The overview can be personalized with filters and visible columns.


Filters exist in 3 types:

  1. Table filters: these can be set in the left-side menu and define the general returns overview. Returns in the active returns overview require your action. The all returns overview shows all open returns. The archived returns overview shows all completed and cancelled returns that have been archived.

  2. Action filters: these can be set in the left-side menu and define the returns overview for a set of process statuses.

  3. Column filters: these can be set in the header of a returns overview.

Remember filters when you work in 12Return
When you work in 12Return, filters are stored in the following way:

  1. Column filters are stored for each returns overview (for each table or action filter);

  2. You can clear all column filters with the "clear column filters" option;

  3. You can clear column filters one by one by removing the filter in the column;

  4. When you change the returns overview with a table or action filter, the system will remember the column filters that have not been cleared in the returns overview that you are leaving;

  5. When you change the returns overview with a table or action filter, the system still remembers the column filters that have been set in the returns overview that you are entering.

Remember filters when you log out

When you log out from 12Return your filters are stored for next time use.

Visible columns

In each return overview that you can access a table or action filter, you can define the columns that you wish to see with the "Visible Columns" option. When you leave a returns overview, the system will remember the columns that have been set.


The data in a returns overview is loaded and displayed per page. By default, a page contains 25 returns. You can change the number of returns per page in the bottom-left corner of the returns overview. The system does not remember the selected quantity and will re-open the returns overview with 25 returns per page.

Export methods

You can download the data from a returns overview into a CSV file. The file will contain returns and its's data based on the following selections:

  1. All returns in the page as defined by the number of returns per page;

  2. All columns as defined by visible columns.

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