After selecting the carrier and creating the label, the customer can pack & ship the return. This process is guided by the return portal.
In the packing section, the customer can:
The shipping label will be shown for the chosen carrier. 12Return will automatically determine if a label is needed for the chosen carrier.
The packing list can be maintained and activated in the channel document settings.
The shipping invoice can be maintained and activated in the channel document settings.
Return Details
We provide your customer with a comprehensive overview of the requested return. This includes general information such as the creation date and current status. Additionally, your customer will be presented with a calculated refund amount that they can anticipate receiving.
In the shipping section, the customer can:
See the selected carrier service
Read the shipping instructions that will show the instructions for the chosen carrier. The shipping instructions can be maintained in the carrier settings.
If you support a pick up and your customer has selected this option he can schedule a pickup appointment with the carrier.
In the tracking section, the customer can:
See which emails will be sent to the customer.
Copy a tracking link to navigate to the return tracking page later. This link also works if the customer does not have a login for the portal.
Find a contact option (website or email).