The inbound process supports both the manifest flow and container flow. The inbound module contains 2 functions:
Receive to manifest (manifest process)
Receive and grade to container (container process)
Returns are handled at the return level without checking the content of a return.
The inbound process is a one-step process that is completed in one user interaction:
Receive returns and sort to a manifest per client
This action updates the status of a return in Return Bird to processing/received.
Returns are handled at the product level by checking the content of the return.
The inbound process is a four steps process that can be completed in one user interaction:
Receive return
This action updates the status of a return in Return Bird to processing/received.
Receive product
Grade product and sort to container per disposition type per client
Complete return
This action updates the status of a return in Return Bird to settlement/requested.
Process configuration
The definition of the receiving and grading process is controlled by the merchant in Return Bird. In the account settings of Return Bird, the following definitions can be maintained:
Grading sets
Custom attributes