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Written by Customer Success
Updated over 4 years ago

12Return has a limited sandbox environment for Enterprise client, where you are granted a special and separate environment to test configurations & settings. There are various differences to the sandbox environment from the normal production environment.

Access to a sandbox environment

Enterprise customers can contact support to request a sandbox environment for their account. These environments are setup specifically for your use and are subject to moderation and change from 12return to ensure that no problems occur to either yourself or other clients.


The sandbox environment has no functional limitations in terms of display or configurations. Configurations are not synchronized between your production environment and the sandbox environment. These configurations should be manually configured.

This applies for configurations between APIs as well users, assets, products and content and other configuration options.

Using the sandbox

The sandbox environment uses the same URL as your regular production environment, but has a [subdomain] domain instead of the regular [subdomain] You can perform actions as you wish on the sandbox, without impacting your production environment. Keeping in mind that separate logins are required to be created for the sandbox as opposed to the production environment.

Further it should be noted that API Requests should not be configured to your external production environment as this can result in errors in your system with duplicate entries or unknown entries.

Configuring your sandbox

Once you’ve been granted a sandbox environment for your 12Return portal it will be a Empty and clean portal where you can setup your preferred sandbox configurations for testing, access and viewing. While the environment is functionality identical to your production environment there are only certain configurations that 12Return sets up for the sandbox environment

The configurations that 12Return creates for your sandbox environment:

  1. Creates your account, portal(s) and return types as well as shipping routes and country configurations

  2. Creates a admin user to access the admin portal

  3. Sets the Portal to use the correct variant (Slim or Advanced)

The configurations that you need to create yourself

  1. Logo’s, banners and other styling components

  2. Content items for explanations and various texts

  3. Email templates. Emails are only sent through the test system. unless you configure your own email server under email profiles.

  4. Service Task Templates

  5. User Logins for the sandbox

  6. Product and asset feed

  7. Configurations regarding Roles & Portal & merchant setup parameters in the administrator panel

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