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Warranty Check
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Written by Customer Success
Updated over 4 years ago

12Return supports advanced features to check if a product is in warranty. Based on this warranty indicator you can define automation rules to automatically authorize a return. Automation Rules are part of the Return Bird Enterprise plan.

Warranty checks
Following methods are supported to check if a product is in warranty:

  • Purchase date against warranty period

  • Purchase date against extended warranty period

  • Current date against warranty date

Purchase date against warranty period
For each return policy it can be defined if a Purchase Date needs to be registered when a return is created. The purchase date is a system attribute that can be renamed.

For each product, a warranty period can be maintained in the product master.

With Return Profiling Automation Rules an automation rule can be defined for the product model. In this automation rule a predefined rule "Warranty Check --> Purchase date against warranty period" can be selected under Automation Criteria.

The automation rule automatically checks if a product is in warranty by checking if the purchase date is within the warranty period. If so, the product will be flagged as warranty.ย 

Purchase date against extended warranty period
For each return policy, it can be defined if a Purchase Date needs to be registered when a return is created. The purchase date is a system attribute that can be renamed.

For each product, a warranty period and extended warranty period can be maintained in the product master.

With Return Profiling Automation Rules an automation rule can be defined for the product model. In this automation rule a predefined rule "Warranty Check --> Purchase date against extended warranty period" can be selected under Automation Criteria.

The automation rule automatically checks if a product is in warranty by checking if the purchase date is within the warranty + extended warranty period. If so, the product will be flagged as warranty.

Current date against warranty date
For each return policy, it can be defined if a Warranty Date needs to be registered when a return is created. The warranty date is a system attribute that can be renamed.

With Return Profiling Automation Rules an automation rule can be defined for the product model. In this automation rule a predefined rule "Warranty Check --> Current date against warranty date" can be selected under Automation Criteria.

The automation rule automatically checks if a product is in warranty by checking if the current date is within the warranty date. If so, the product will be flagged as warranty.

For each product in the return that has a warranty indicator, the status of the product can be set with an automation rule.

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